Monday, August 25, 2014

Lapse in Time

It has been five months since I last blogged. We were so busy working on our house that I didn't take the time to keep up with my blog. Things have settled down a bit now - my new sewing room is completed and our family reunion held at our house is behind us. So, now that life is pretty much back to normal (whatever normal might be....)I won't stray away for so long.

My first goal is to get a camera that is user friendly for downloading pictures here. That is one of the big reasons I didn't take the time to blog. I have an outdated camera and was trying to take pictures from my cell phone to use on the blog. Time consuming and hard to get on the blog with such a little phone. I am researching cameras now with wifi to see what is good. Any input is greatly appreciated. Since retiring I have lost touch with new technology.

Pictures and updates of my new sewing room are to come! My quilting buddies have been over numerous times for sew days. We have enjoyed the space to be able to sew together.

Happy Sewing