Saturday, February 22, 2014

Chevron Quilt Top Finish

I finally finished the Chevron quilt top. I used some Riley Blake fabric I bought back in 2008. My New Year's goal is to try and use up fabric I have. That is sure a challenge when there is so much beautiful fabric out there calling my name!!! The gray is a medium Kona Gray I already had as well. I really need to get a new camera. The quilt is much more vibrant than in this picture.
We are still working away on the quilting room remodel, so I haven't had much time to sew or blog. All the walls are down and new drywall and texture up to repair the holes left from taking out the walls. The carpet is out and now shopping for new flooring. We are also redoing the bathroom upstairs at the same time. We put in a new Jacuzzi tub - can't wait till I can soak in it!


  1. Turned out lovely. The gray is fabulous! I have lots of fabric but no large pieces to make backings and I am not one for doing a lot of piecing for the backs.

  2. Not sure what I'm going to put on the back of this. It is for my granddaughter's double bed. Maybe fleece or flannel, but I would have to purchase that. I'm like you, don't have a lot of big backing pieces.
