Saturday, March 1, 2014

Rag Rug Progress - Miles and Miles of Fabric Strips

I decided to cut my fabric into 1.5" widths for my rag rug. That way I can fold them in half and iron to ensure that the color/printed side of the fabric would show as I make the rug. I didn't want the whitish wrong side of the fabric showing and making the rug look washed out. I am adding white strips anyway to go with the white iron bed and the white in the Sunbonnet Sue quilt.

Here is my progress so far.

The prep does take a long time. I spend about one hour per 1 1/2 yards of fabric just to prep it to get it ready to make the rug. I started out cutting the fabric, but then went to ripping it. Much quicker and I like the effect on the edge of the fabric. I also decided to sew the strips together with a 1/4" seam. I didn't like the bulk of joining the strips with that slit and knot process. The knot ends up visible. Plus, it was much quicker for me to sew the seams together than slitting and knotting.

So, my process is snip the fabric every 1.5" on the lengthwise grain. Rip, sew ends, iron in half and roll into fabric balls. When ironing I would iron a section, then roll, then iron another section, then roll. If you just iron it all and then try to roll it you end up with a twisted mess. So roll sections as you iron.

Well, off to the Southern California Quilt Run with my quilting buddies. Hubby thinks I am nuts. It is storming here and I am taking off. Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. That looks so cool. Can't wait to see it when you start working on it. Have fun at the Quilt run and stay dry.
