Thursday, December 26, 2013

Abby gets new jammies

I recently gave Abby a haircut. I try to keep my dogs shaved since we live on five acres with lots of dirt, stickers and bushes. I don't want stickers to get stuck between their toes or in their fur. Plus their furry feet track in so much mud. But, poor Abby was so cold at night that she wanted in our bed and wanted to burrow under the covers. She usually is so good about staying in her own bed at night. So, I decided to crochet her some jammies. Here is Abby modeling her new jammies. This was made using scrap yarn I had.

I found a great tutorial that shows you how to make this for any size dog. It was very clear and easy to follow using any type of yarn you want and any size needle. It is based on your dogs measurements, so gauge is not important. You crochet until each section reaches the measurement you need. Here is a link to the tutorial: any size dog - sweater tutorial. I am now making the jammies for my other dog, Molly.

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