Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Summer Porch

I didn't get any sewing in today. I took my mother-in-law shopping and then to the doctors and in for a blood test. By the time I got home it was dinner time and DH wanted to go for pizza. Our treat once in a while - we have been trying to eat healthy and have both lost a good amount of weight since July. DH blood pressure went down to normal and I have so much more energy.

I did spend a little time in my quilting room this morning to measure a quilt top I need to put borders on. It is called Summer Porch and is a pattern from Quilt in a Day by Elenore Burns. I worked on it this summer while at the beach cottage, but didn't get the last white border on it yet. I bought white winter fleece for the back. Here is a close up picture of the top before quilting it. I haven't decided how to quilt it yet.The fabric is from the Lario line.

I made this to go on an old iron antique bed frame that we refurbished. We had it sandblasted to remove all the rust and then painted it a glossy white. So, I wanted a quilt with white sashing. I will post a picture when the quilt is completed and resting on the bed. 

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