Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Demolition Day

I got the closets emptied. OMG that was an ordeal.That closet held all my yarn and rolls of home dec fabric, serger and long arm thread and other sewing supplies.I have way too much yarn stash. I don't crochet as much as I used to because it hurts my wrists so much now. Most of the yarn I bought when there were huge sales going on. I will donate the really soft yarn to ladies who make caps for breast cancer patients. That is what I bought the yarn for but didn't use it all before my wrists went bad.

Here is a picture of one of the walls that will be torn down. That wall divides two bedrooms. See the mirrored closet doors? I will lose that closet and the cutting table next to it with my peg board where I hung all my rulers. And the door on the right of the cutting table is going away, also. I will lose a smaller closet in the guest bedroom as well, but I didn't store any sewing supplies in there. Our 19 year old granddaughter was living with us and stayed in that room, so I had already emptied that closet out for her. After she left I never filled the closet back up - thank goodness!!!

Notice the end of my longarm frame in the lower left corner? That shows you how limited my space is right now. The longarm goes all the way to the back wall and to the other side wall. The long arm is in one bedroom and my sewing machine, fabric closet and ironing board are in another bedroom. So right now I am taking up two bedrooms. The third bedroom has our antique iron bed and antique dresser/mirror and chest in it. The bed and chest will be going downstairs into the little office and the antique dresser/mirror will stay in the sewing room for storage. It won't fit in the little office. It belonged to my hubby's grandmother so it is a keeper. I love antiques anyway. 

When all the walls come down I will have the space of the three bedrooms and a wide hallway. It will be like a big loft! 

We will need to put new flooring down since there will be gaps without carpet when removing the walls. The carpet is 30 years old, so it is time to go anyway. But, actually it isn't really bad - I guess since it is upstairs and doesn't get the traffic like in the main part of the house. I would prefer laminate wood floors, but my hubby is worried about the sound from my long arm being too loud downstairs. He says even with the carpet in there now, when I am using the long arm it sounds like an airplane taking off above. So, I guess new carpet will be going in. Unless any of you can give some good suggestions for flooring that helps with sound insulation???


  1. I am envious of your space Robin. But then I live in the ancient home and DH was ready to tear down a wall between two bedrooms for me recently.

  2. I am so excited and feel so very lucky myself! I never dreamed I would ever have a space so big! I just can't believe it is really happening. But, My husbands garage is the same size as our whole house 24' x 40' (bigger than my new space will be) and I kept telling him to just give me half of the garage. So, I really think this is happening cause he didn't want to share his space!!! LOL. I don't care why it's happening, just over joyed it is! It took us 6 years to build the house. Finished it in 1986 and moved into it - from a 2 bedroom/1 bath house with 3 kids. How life changes.
