Friday, January 10, 2014

Square in a Square Quilt and tutorial link

I finished sewing together all the rows on the square in a square quilt. i still need to sew on the outside borders. I may use 4" borders on the sides to widen the quilt a bit and just use 2" borders on top and bottom. without borders it measures 57 1/2" x 80". Wider side borders will make it fit a twin bed. I am not real crazy about this quilt right now. I am hoping quilting it will bring it to life. Also, I am considering unsewing one of those dark blue blocks that are so close together. See them? That was sure an oops placing them so close. Or should I leave it and that will be my "humble" block? But, the placement bothers me. Why didn't I see it when they were laid out at the quilt retreat? Too many distractions with all my quilting sisters around? No one else picked up on it either. Darn. Here is the link to the Square in a Square tutorial from Missouri Star Quilt Company: Tutorial

So, would you move one of those dark blue quilt blocks to another spot?


  1. well, rogue thinks the same thing you do. the dark blues are too concentrated in the middle. i would take all blocks out and then scatter the dark blues around till balance is pleasing. lot of work. but then, that's what i do! ...a lotta work :))

  2. Yep, Rogue, I think like that too. I didn't put the outer borders on cause those dark blocks kept haunting me. My room is out of commission for a while now, so I have plenty of time to rip this apart. Will be much better in the end! Thank you for reinforcing what I thought. The quilt group said just go with it, but it was really bugging me. Appreciate your feedback. Will post another pic when it is ripped apart and fixed up.
